All the Doubt in Town

альбом: Attack of the Mountain Medley

певец: Eleventyseven

Продолжительность: 3:56

They both grew up

In a rusted out old pick up truck

Said I do in late October

By November she was showing

By July the jig was up.

So they bought a house,

past a rundown church outside of town.

She said Baby I can't take it,

Maybe this was a mistake

I'm not the type to settle down.

And he said \"All the doubt in town

Ain't enough to shake the ground that my

Feet have been walking on.

Girl I love you now,

Till I hear that trumpet sound,

Wherever you are, I belong.

He lost his job,

At the saw mill around christmas time

Ya the bills were piling up

And all the odd jobs weren't enough,

To keep the tinder on the fire.

She said Oh My God,

My daddy warned me that this day would come.

My mama's waiting in the car,

I can't let my baby starve,

Honey, you and I are done.

All the doubt in town,

Ain't enought to shake the ground that my

Feet have been walking on.

Girl I love you now,

Till I hear that trumpet sound,

Girl wherever you are, I belong.

60 years go by,

In the blinking of a young girls eye

All 5 kids are up and grown,

having families of their own,

They hear Papa's gonna die.

She takes his hand

Says God oh please don't take away my man.

Baby I can't let you leave

Why did you put up with me

How did you know where we would land?

He said Girl I love you now

But I hear that trumpet sound

And I gotta be moving on

Girl I leave you now

I'll be up there looking down

Keeping Heaven's porch light on.

Cause all the doubt in town

Ain't enought to shake the ground that my

Feet have been walking on

Girl I love you now

Till I hear that trumpet sound

Oh wherever you are, I belong

Oh wherever you are, I belong

  • 《Attack of the Mountain Medley》Список песен альбома

  • 3:131. Long Way Down 3:562. All the Doubt in Town 2:263. Nobody's Business 3:034. And I'm a Mormon 3:445. Appalachian Wine